There are currently 1,005 townships in the State of Indiana. Pursuant to Indiana Code (IC) 36-6-4-2(a), the trustee is the township executive. The trustee is elected to a four year term, with all trustees around the state being elected to the same four year term. The current term of the trustee is January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2026 The township board is also elected to a four year term on the same cycle as the trustee. Pursuant to IC 36-6-6-2(c), the township board is the township legislative body. Township boards consist of three individuals (except in Marion County, which has seven individuals on each board).
The Duties of the Township Trustee Include (but are not limited to)
Administering Township Assistance
Providing Fire Protection
Manage all township property interest
Receive and pay out township funds
Examine and settle all accounts and demands chargeable against the township
Request Assistance from the Washington Township Trustee
For Additional Information Please Contact
Washington Township Trustee, Washington County, Indiana
Josh Anderson, Trustee
1201 E Hackberry St
Salem, IN 47167
Call or Text - 812-883-1315
Office Hours: By Appointment Only