Assistance Guidelines

Please click on the link below to view and read the terms and conditions of applying for and receiving assistance. 

Click here to view the Washington Township Assistance Guidelines (pdf)



Frequently Asked Questions

What happens after I apply?

Once a complete application is received (an interview has been conducted and all necessary verifications have been received) the trustee and/or staff will review and begin an investigation. This may entail contacting landlords, former and current employers, and relatives.

  • Emergency requests (such as requests for burial, food, or medicine) will be acted upon promptly.
  • Non-emergency requests for assistance will be acted upon within 72 hours, excluding weekends and holidays.

If all information cannot be gathered in the 72 hours after receipt of a completed application, ​the application may be ‘pended’ for an additional 72 hours. The township must provide a statement listing the specific reasons for this action.

What if the trustee denies all or part of my request for assistance?

The township is required to provide you with a notice of action in writing, by mail or in person. this will include the following information:

1. The type and amount of assistance granted;
2. The type and amount of assistance denied or partially granted;
3. Specific reasons for denying all or part of the assistance requested;
4. Information advising the applicant of the right to appeal the township’s decision to the county board of commissioners, along with appeal procedures.

How does the township trustee provide aid?

The trustee issues vouchers, never cash, to pay for the goods and services which they provide for eligible applicants. A voucher is a written promise that the trustee will pay the vendor. after the vendor signs the voucher the trustee is required to pay the vendor within 45 days.

How do i find out more about my township’s assistance guidelines?

Each township is required to adopt a set of guidelines which are based on indiana law. These guidelines are available for anyone to see at the township trustee’s office. The laws governing township assistance administration can be found in indiana code title 12, article 20 (ic 12-20).

Why do I see the trustee if I need help?

The township trustee is an elected official who, in addition to other duties, is designated as the administrator of township assistance. It is the trustee’s responsibility to ensure that township residents are properly assisted in the manner required by law.

What assistance can the township trustee provide?

The trustee may provide assistance to meet the following basic needs:

  • shelter
  • utilities
  • medical
  • clothing
  • food
  • household supplies
  • burial

How is eligibility determined?

Our guidelines must be met. the income guidelines are based on 100% poverty level. The household must have a basic need that is being unmet even after the best efforts of everyone in the household.

What determines residency in a township?

An individual is a resident of a township if the individual is currently living in the township, and shows an intention to make the township their sole place of residence.

​Other requirements

All members of an applicant’s household are required to apply for other forms of aid if it might help the household meet basic needs.

Examples of other forms of assistance are:

  • food stamps
  • TANF
  • social security
  • supplemental security income (ssi)
  • medicare
  • medicaid
  • veteran’s benefits
  • unemployment
  • child support
  • energy assistance program (eap)


Applicants wanting township assistance must cooperate with the trustee’s office and provide all information necessary to determine eligibility. Failure to cooperate with the trustee will result in denial or termination of assistance.


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